
This section provides you with useful tips and tricks on how to save money. Stay up to date with the latest interest rate changes across Europe and new term deposit offers. Low returns will be a thing of the past.

Economy & markets, Financial planning, Saving 26.05.2020 | Estimated 4 minutes reading time

Saving money in times of crisis: what’s the best option for Irish savers?

Almost all areas of life are being affected by the spread of the Covid-19 virus. In troubled times, howev…

About Raisin, Interview, Saving 15.01.2020 | Estimated 3 minutes reading time

Meet Banca Farmafactoring – “One of the most profitable banks in Europe”

One of our Italian partner banks collects a large part of its deposits from outside of its home country.

Financial planning, Saving 12.12.2019 | Estimated 2 minutes reading time – Get maximum interest rates for your savings

When looking for ways to invest your hard-earned money, safety and a good return on investment are prime…